Complex project cycle
We have been supplying key information systems (OKcentrum, OKnouze, OKprace and others) for the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) and the Labor Office (ÚP) since the mid-1990s. MoLSA ensures the implementation of the agenda in the field of state social support, employment, material hardship, social services, social and legal protection of children, persons with disabilities, subsidy programs and others. In recent years, we have significantly participated in the digital transformation of the functioning of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and Labor Office. The portal solution "Jenda" (JEdnoduše Na Dávky) enables citizens in the self-service client zone to apply for social benefits online; the same way applicants are informed about the status and processing of their application and can provide the necessary documents. This modernization is accompanied by a deep transformation of the operation of the ÚP itself, which will allow the amount to be increased and processed efficiently. The "Maruška" interface then enables officials to efficiently process individual tasks in the relevant agenda system. Applications from OKsystem are part of the state's critical information infrastructure and work with a huge volume of sensitive data. As such, they must also meet very strict requirements for security, availability and access control. CZK 100 billion is paid out annually through "OKapps", they are used by thousands of internal users (officials of and MoLSA, ÚP and other organizations) and hundreds of thousands of external users from the general public. After more than a quarter of a century of operation of the "OKaplications", there have been no significant outages, improper functioning with an impact on paid benefits, loss of data or threats to their security.
From design and development to production environment