Our mission

We bring simplicity and security to a world of complicated processes

We have been creating software for private companies and public administration for more than 30 years. We make sure that our product solutions are innovative, secure, and reliable. Simply put, we make sure everything fits together perfectly.

Who we are

35 years and 500 employees. Yet we are a family company.

In terms of management and atmosphere, we are more akin to a smaller firm than a corporation.

Martin Procházka

Martin Procházka

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Vítězslav Ciml

Vítězslav Ciml

Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Zuzana Hofová

Zuzana Hofová

Chief Financial Officer

Petr Gottesman

Petr Gottesman

Software Development Director

Eva Vodenková

Eva Vodenková

Human Resources and Operations Director

Petr Červený

Petr Červený

Service Delivery Director

Vojtěch Klimeš

Vojtěch Klimeš

OKbase Director

Vladimír Fuchs

Vladimír Fuchs

Chief Sales Officer




Quality Management
ISO 9001

The system is built on eight quality management principles that provide a sufficient basis for a successful business.

Environmental Management
ISO 14001

Environmental responsibility is ever-increasingly seen as an important factor in business performance and sustainability.

Information Security Management
ISO/IEC 27001

Information security is an integral part of the entire system. The main factors influencing business competition, information and their security are strictly protected.

We meet the security criteria of ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange and we are evaluated as a trusted IT vendor.

logo ProcessUnity

An Integrated System of Management Policy [PDF] has been announced as part of the Integrated Management System.

The Entrepreneur Certificate No. 002535 in accordance with Act 412/2005 Coll., on the Protection of Classified Information and Security Eligibility, at the Confidentiality level.
The certificate allows OKsystem a.s. to create, process, or become acquainted with classified information up to the Confidential level at its premises.

We are members

Where we help

We support beneficial projects in various fields

We are not indifferent to the world around us. We are pleased to help those who struggle in life and who need some help from the rest of us.

SPŠE Ječná Dejme dětem šanci Jedličkův ústav a školy Dobrý anděl Nadace Jedličkova ústavu VŠE Podnikohospodářská fakulta Sportovní klub vozíčkářů Praha


"I would like to be as successful internationally as we are now in the Czech Republic," says Martin Procházka in an interview with Foreign Policy

March 25, 2025

The latest interview with Martin Procházka was published on the American news server Foreign Policy.

Full article

10 years with OKbase: Carborundum shares its experience

March 13, 2025

Carborundum Electrite a. s., an international manufacturing company from Benátky nad Jizerou with a long-standing tradition, was looking for an efficient HR solution to manage the agenda of its 400 employees. They found it in OKbase.

Full article

OKlab: A research and technology hub supporting young talents

March 10, 2025

We have opened the innovation center OKlab, which focuses on research and development in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Full article