
How can collaboration with students move the company forward? An interview with Eva Vodenková for Aktuálně.cz

Media presence

October 17, 2024
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Eva Vodenková, our HR director, talks about long-term collaboration with universities, the new 'student' department OKlab, and how we specifically use AI in our company. Read the inspiring interview published on the server.

You can find the article published here. We bring you the full text below.

According to Eva Vodenková, HR Director of the IT company OKsystem, staying in contact with the younger generation and involving students in the company's activities is a necessity nowadays. Only in this way can a company remain a leader in innovation and effectively utilize new technologies.
Historically, the company has collaborated with technically oriented universities. Later, it added the Secondary Technical School of Electrical Engineering in Ječná, the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE), and the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (ČZU) to its partnerships.
„Pokud některé ze studentů a studentek zaměstnáme, není to jen pracovní příležitost pro ně, ale je to pro nás způsob, jak udržet krok s nastupující generací a technologiemi. Je to win-win situace."


Eva Vodenková


And how do you specifically use artificial intelligence in your HR department?

For example, during onboarding. Since the beginning of the year, we've been using interactive videos to show new employees how things work in the company. The guide in the video is my avatar, which looks like me and, since last month, even speaks with my voice—this shows you how quickly development is progressing. We've added images, graphs, and real interviews with our colleagues, making the resulting video even more engaging. Previously, we filmed similar videos. A cameraman and lighting technician would come, and there was a lot of work involved. Often, a single part had to be re-shot multiple times due to slip-ups. This method is much simpler and more efficient. When some information changes, we don't have to re-record the entire video; we just adjust the input for the artificial intelligence.

Will you continue to develop the use of avatars?

Definitely yes. We already have several in the company. In cooperation with OKlab, we are preparing video manuals for our products; we use avatars for internal communication and training. Compared to producing real videos, it's an incredible saving of time and money. The videos can be easily edited, which is a significant advantage in today's rapidly changing times.

Do you also have internships at your company?

In the spring, we had students from technically oriented high schools here. When organizing, we somewhat encountered time constraints of the supervisors. However, practice showed that students can be an asset to the teams. We subsequently approached one of the students, and he is already employed at OKlab. I believe that once word spreads within the company, more and more departments will want to get involved in internships. There is demand from the students' side.

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